Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Redoing the Math

I think there was a problem with some of my previous calculations.

I promise to update them.

Math will follow, but for now if you want to take my word for it, a 0.01% affect on the random events (which is a ballpark figure given by PEAR of their Correlations paper (pdf), and having 9,999 events make up a point (as it is now) results in roughly a 50.8% chance of winning a point, which translates into a 58.4% chance of winning a "match" (when you look at it like how Tennis is scored), which is essentially a game of Psychic Ball.

I also think I need to put that little tid bit on the front page, as it generally motivates the belief in the authenticity of this game. This is something I am greatly concerned about.

I'm thinking of redefining the terms to deviate from tennis, where the tiny squares in the middle will be Psi Meter, the big circles will be Points, and the swirly rectangles at the top will be Rounds won.

I think visibly, that's a little more intuitive. When I was showing my sister how to play yesterday she thought the big circles were points automatically, and that makes sense to me, so I'm going to go with it.

Also I have some database work to do in order to get better, easier to generate reports. Specifically making a field in the table that indicates the winner of the game, as opposed to just indicating the score and requiring it be calculated each time based on the game scores, which I don't have being sorted now either.

In the mean time, play Psychic Ball. Much love!

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